Now where did I read that...

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Mr Nice Guy and I had managed to be that annoying, affectionate-in-public, so-in-love-it-makes-you-want-to-puke couple for a month and a half.... Now, in the matter of a week, it seems like it just went away all of a sudden.
I don't know how to handle this, and it hurts more than I'd expected it to.
I knew we'd settle into a groove eventually, but, well, I thought we'd always be more lovey-dovey than this, and I hate it.
I tried to talk to him about it earlier, but he really sucks at that stuff sometimes.
I miss him being happy just to be able to put his arm around me, and me making a big production of sitting in the middle seat of his truck just so I'd be next to him. I miss playing twenty questions when we drove, and getting so caught up in the conversation that we forget we're playing a game. I miss him pointing out the guys he catches looking at me, and glowing proudly because of it.
I know this will pass, I know the pain of change will cease... I just hope it is soon, and I hope I can learn to be secure in our lack-of-cling, rather than hating it passionately.

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