Now where did I read that...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mission Aborted

Well, this one caught me off-guard.
I kind of stumbled blindly upon this site- Black Genocide Dot Org- and am surprised by how much it struck me.
I can't say with any certainty the statistics it claims are accurate, but it seems plausible enough.
I should explain, I suppose, that I'm pro-choice. I don't believe in killing babies, but I don't believe in killing children, either. The way I see it, a mother has to make the choice to be a mother. Adoptions are difficult and less than affordable for many families, so these women who find themselves between a rock and a hard belly may be damning their child to extinction either way. I don't agree with forcing anyone- be it a fetus/baby or a woman- into a corner. Giving women the right to choose is not forcing their hand either way. Condemning abortions is.
However, that said, I couldn't do it myself. I have been raped twice, the first resulting in pregnancy. There was a period of time I wouldn't leave the house with my mother because she wanted me to have an abortion so badly. I miscarried the baby anyway, she'd be turning ten in the spring, but it was a choice left to God, not one I took into my own hands. I don't know a woman who's chosen abortion who hasn't struggled with it violently afterwards, often for the rest of their lives.
So, seeing statistics and quotes that wrench my heart about abortions are rather shocking to me. I'm not a fan of the 'shock jock' method of anti-abortion/pro-life advertisments. I'm rather appalled by it. I know there's never been a doubt in my mind what the process does, but that sure doesn't mean I need to see pictures. Yet, here I am seeing quotes like "Therefore, choose life, that your children may live." -Deuteronomy 30:19 and statistics like "Between 1882 and 1968, 3,446 Blacks were lynched in the U.S. That number is surpassed in less than 3 days by abortion." throws me.

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