Now where did I read that...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

On My Future

I have been doing more and more research, and looking more at these home-maker videos and such.
I am trying to think about down the road- I don't plan on staying in the Army forever.

Can I see myself being the woman at home? Can I see myself always being the primary breadwinner?
Yes, and yes.
It's pretty amazing to me that I can see myself happy in either role. I know I want children, I know I want to have Bright Eyes' children, and I also know I'll be happy with him regardless of which (or how many) roles I play in our family.
While being in the Army certainly makes the beginning of these things more of a trial, I wonder if it's not for the best. I have decided to get my nursing degree before I leave the military, so I'll have a few more years, at a minimum. I can imagine, though, getting out after my current obligation (2013) and going to school at my own pace, rather than dealing with the military aspect of life. It all depends on how things unfold for us, and what we can handle at that time.

I think that these next few years of Army life will help us both get a better idea of what we want and need for the future, and maybe even help Bright Eyes get a business going, as he's so smart, and I can definitely see him being happier running a company that works towards things that are important to him than being another Army spouse, and bouncing from job to job with each PCS move.

I think these next few years are going to define a lot, but I'll be 27 when this contract ends, and I think by that time, we'll both know what we want, and both be a lot more comfortable with our family moving in that direction as a whole.

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