Now where did I read that...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Another Rant

A reminder that this is my rant, my view, and please don't take what I say as Baha'i gospel or something- this is not anyone's frustration but my own.

I've written about this particular video-blogger's posts before.

I am frustrated with her views, at a minimum.
She speaks about having sex with her husband any times he asks, referring to it as depriving him if she doesn't- and same goes if any other woman chooses not to give that to their husband on demand.

Yes, I get it, intimacy is important- but intimacy is NOT limited to sexual intercourse! She mentions an argument they had about how often they have it, and also that she decided then to never say no to him again.
'Sex is not a debatable issue for wives.' Whhhhhhat?!
"We are not to deprive him of this physical need he has."

I'm so flustered and aggravated by this. I genuinely do not believe that this woman, in the least, believes that women are equal to men.
Personally, I would feel more intimately close to my other half if I knew it was okay to open up to him and tell him why I was not in the mood to have intercourse than if I just gave in to it to avoid a fight.

" Observing a young woman who rode by on horseback with her hair flying free and several who bicycled past on their bicyles unattended, he said, "This is the age of woman. She should receive the same education as her brother and enjoy the same privilege; for all souls are equal before God. Sex, in its relation to the exigencies of the physical plane, has no connection with the Spirit. In this age of spiritual awakening, the world has entered upon the path of progress into the arena of development, where the power of the spirit surpasses that of the body. Soon the spirit will have dominion over the world of humanity." 82

(Abdu'l-Baha, Abdu'l-Baha in London, p. 81)

[Emphasis mine.]
Sex, in it's relation to the exigencies of the physical plane, has no connection with the Spirit.
My gender does not make me less than my partner, nor does it mean I was created to submit to him.
I am equal to those around me, and the only thing that can elevate me is spiritual qualities, which, admittedly, I still struggle to keep when faced with a provocation such as this.

Dear God, please aid this woman in seeing her own worth and in helping her family to see that the progress made in this world isn't for nothing, nor is it against Your Word. Help her to understand that her needs are allowed and reasonable, and that her contribution to her family and community may be appreciated, as well.

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