Now where did I read that...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Maybe it isn't forever.
Maybe it is.
All I know, is that I feel like I've found a city I could call home, and someone who I'd really like to share that with. Mr Nice Guy has opened up a new world for me by bringing me to T-town, and, well, I've found myself happier and more open to new levels of trust in these last few days than I can remember being.
I've fallen in love many times.
I've been happy many times.
I consider myself to be very blessed in this regard, rather than looking at the ends of each of these times as a curse.
I feel as if I'm glowing when I'm with Mr Nice Guy. He's begun to open every door for me- to include car doors- and even pulled out my chair for me tonight when we went to dinner with his dad. He loves spoiling me, and showing me more and more of T-town. He's very patient with me when I'm a little off or down, and I'd be completely oblivious to the fact that he even sees these moods if he didn't check to make sure I was okay each time he recognized these things. Despite the fact that he's clearly stated that he 'despises' the L-word, he still tells me he loves me at every opportunity, especially when he sees my mood falter. He remembers everything he learns about me- from ring size to foods and colors I like, and the names of family and friends- and simply treats me like I was a princess or something. I've never had anyone want to take care of me like he does, and, honestly, I'm really enjoying learning how to let someone take care of me a bit.
We haven't talked too much about the Faith these last few days, except when I found out about the nearby institution and that there was a strong Baha'i community here. We are generally around quite a few other people, and I know too well how preachy and pushy discussion of one's beliefs can come across to others when brought up at seemingly inappropriate moments.
None the less, I've seen him pick up Baha'i books at the local used book store without even my general attention focused on them. He shows active interest, and has agreed to come to a Fireside my community is hosting after we return to Sun City this Saturday.
I feel really blessed to be with someone who is so attentive, caring and generous, and have every intention of holding on to this, and doing everything in my power to ensure that I never do anything to over-step or misuse this wonderful man.

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