Now where did I read that...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Love At Last

I know it's still entirely possible that Mr Nice Guy and I aren't forever.
I mean, you never really know what life's going to do, no matter how much you try your best and all.
However, he and I spent some time talking today after, well, not a bad day, but it wasn't our best day, that's for sure.
The deep part of the conversation started when I asked him how he felt about the fact that he chose not to see a particular female friend of his anymore because of my expressions of serious discomfort with that very specific situation. We talked for a little while, and he finally really opened up to me about things with her, and let me know that he seemed to have many of the same questions about her that I did. I admitted that I made a bad choice in asking Madman about her once Mr Nice Guy had told me she knew him. He asked why, and I explained to him that I felt it was inappropriate of me to involve anyone else in that situation, not to mention making that choice when I was still rather emotional.
The conversation proceeded, though, and I opened up to him. Now, I've always thought I was a generally open person, and perhaps I still am, but the way I opened up to him... Scared me. I talked about a lot of things that, while not secrets exactly, were never things I really felt comfortable telling anyone else. It wasn't confession, it was a very honest, open expression of a lot of emotions I suppose I'd almost forgotten were there at times.
I'll spare you the mushy, personal details of it all, but I have never been so sure of anything.
It's not that I think it's impossible for me to lose him- I know better than that- but I know that I will do whatever it takes to keep him.
Our week in T-town was, in a word, perfect. I fell in love with this city-sized-small-town with amazing, diverse, local restaurants, a variety of wonderful health food and natural food stores, beautiful landscaping, incredible book stores, and just a wide, diverse range of people. Mr Nice Guys' friends are some of the best people I've ever known, and his family was very, very generous and kind. His father is very much the quiet type, but a really wonderful, intelligent guy. His sister has things she's dealing with, but I think she's a very sweet, kind person, and will be finding her own way soon enough. His mother and her boyfriend are far more outgoing than Mr Nice Guy's father, but still very kind, and both obviously very intelligent. I came away from the last week feeling that, while I think I was a bit of a shock to all of them- my tattoos, long hair, military occupation, outgoing nature and overall personality being a bit out of Mr Nice Guy's norm- they all seemed to like me, anyway. Whether it was in spite of themselves or not, I couldn't say, but I was glad they all seemed to be okay with me holding such a place in Mr Nice Guy's life.
I promised him tonight I wouldn't rush this, and we agreed that we needed to discuss time lines a bit, but I know in my heart that I will do whatever it takes to be with him for as long as that's what he wants. To feel a connection with someone on physical, emotional and spiritual levels like this... It just doesn't happen twice...

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