Now where did I read that...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Beauty Of Blind

There is a guy here I had a crush on for quite some time, one who used to work in the same office as one of the boys I consider my brother. After some flirtation, I asked my brother to pass long my number. He told me he did so, but that said guy, we'll call him Saint (after the team, not the religious icon) said he wasn't looking for anything, and more or less 'passed'. Flirtation continued, though, when I saw Saint, which seemed odd, but not entirely unusual.

Yesterday, I ran into Saint. I let him know I was leaving, and he was eager to get together and exchange numbers. I spent some time at one of the local pool halls with him and some friends last night, and we had a blast.

Turns out the feelings my "brother" professed recently seem to have skewed his judgment on what he should do. I'm disappointed, and kind of sad that I won't get to know Saint better before I leave. I suppose, though, that things work out as they're meant to.

I told Saint last night that "We're going to enjoy each other while we can, and what's meant to be will be, regardless."

Wait, where'd THAT come from? That doesn't sound like the Charli we all know.
Well, it's an improvement, so we'll see if it sticks.
Being mindful would be beneficial in an awful lot of ways if I have learned it.

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