Now where did I read that...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Art And Faith

Well, Mead's back at it.
I've been such a fan of his writings- he was the first Baha'i blog I read, as it were.
He's been in the middle of some things, and hasn't been writing as much as he once was. I am glad to see One Baha'i popping up a little more regularly in my blog feed.

He spoke a bit about Faith and it's influences on what type of arts one attaches themselves to, be it through what we take in or what we create. In the Baha'i faith, you see, creation is seen as a type of prayer, if you will, as we are mimicking our own Creator in this.

I have always loved music, but have never had any talent for it. My mother looked at me in the car one day, as I was singing my 7 year old heart out to whatever music happened to be on the radio just then, and she said to me 'You're not ever going to be famous for your singing, you know.' It rocked me, I won't lie. I was seven! Talk about breaking a heart! Guitar lessons ended similarly, though the ballet and piano classes I took as a young child were slaughtered by my insistence on moving on to bigger and better, "more grown up" things. Such naivety.

The faith has given me the drive to want to take one more shot at it, though, this time through the djembe drum.

That is one of my priorities when I get home. Drumming, I am sure, will not go over easily with some of the neighbors, if I'm not careful, but it is also something I am able to experiment with a little more on my own, rather than needing to take lessons to learn notes and such. Not to say lessons would hurt, but I tend to enjoy solitude quite a bit these days, and this may be a good way to focus on that, rather than heading straight for facebook.

I love to write- that's not a habit I can see ever letting go of- but sometimes you just need a beat.

1 comment:

  1. I just came across your blog and have enjoyed reading about your journey as a new Baha'i. I was wondering if you would be interested in being a contributer to "Baha'i Coherence". If you are interested email us at and I will send you an invitation.
