Now where did I read that...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Hookah, Bhangra and Chicken Tandori

It's been an extremely busy long weekend.
I spent most nights out until the wee hours of the morning, one of which had me coming in somewhere around eleven the next morning. I've hung out at a new club, wound up out alone after my friend got taken in my the local police when a fight started over her, met an absolute sweetheart of a new friend, eaten at a new American restaurant as well as a new Indian restaurant, spent time on the beach, gone shopping, been on one horrible date and one (two?) fantastic ones, and realized exactly how much I'm going to miss this place.
My horrible date ended with finding out the guy I'd spent the entire day with didn't know my name- and I found this out in front of two of his co-workers. I was beyond embarrassed.
My fantastic dates were with my friend Mr. DJ, who is also the sweetheart I mentioned. He took me to an American diner and the Indian restaurant, we hit the hookah bar, and generally had a blast.
I went down to Busan Monday with Delta Dawg, and got a little red, which faded to tan overnight. (It's good to be me!)
Now it's Wednesday, and it's back to work/clearing. Transportation comes tomorrow, and reality is really sinking in. I'm going to miss this place.
Korea has really become my home. I've been here longer than I've been anywhere in my life, and I've really done some growing up here. I'm going to miss this place, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared of going back to the states. This is pretty overwhelming.

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