Now where did I read that...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Taking It All In

I haven't really had any issues with jet lag. I go to sleep around 9 or 10 pm. If I'd stop waking up at 5 am, I'd be happy.
I got home on Thursday (it's the wee hours of Saturday morning now) after 39 hours of traveling. Dad and I went to get Denny's, hit Walmart, then came home.

I can't explain how incredibly good it feels to be home.
I flew into San Francisco to hit Immigration and Customs (a lot what I imagine the Christian interpretation of hell would be like in real life- and I got off easy, being military) and literally felt a few tears slide down my face when I saw America out the window of the plane. America is a beautiful place. I don't think most Americans have any true understanding of how blessed we are, even just to live on this land, never mind live in the intelligent, evolving, progressive society that we do. I suppose it's a similar concept to youth being wasted on the young- America is wasted on Americans. Other countries around the world are trying to be like us. Whether or not this is a good thing in all ways is certainly up for debate, but we are the lead dog. Our president is, essentially, the 'Leader of The Free World' that you always hear about in movies. Nobody else does it like us. We are the Ace of Spades, the lead wild card, the one that changes everything. Everything.

If I wasn't willing to die for my country before, I would be now.

Korea is beautiful, and I will miss it every day for the rest of my life. The people are far more respectful than Americans, though we are definitely friendlier as a whole. They show their elders respect, though this is a habit that seems to be getting worn down by the influence of industrialization and Western influence. It's very family-focused, and the public transportation systems are stellar.

I am absolutely loving driving again, though.

Freedom to go where I want to, when I want to, or just driving to drive.

I am so grateful to be home.

Later today, I will be going to join some of the local Baha'i folks for a Ruhi Book 1 study, and then to the Youth devotional. I'm really excited about all of this. It'll be really nice to meet the local Baha'i community finally!

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