Now where did I read that...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


If you're reading this, and haven't figured out that I enjoy writing, well, welcome to my blog.
I had an idea today that's either a stroke of brilliance or sheer madness.
I am reading, as always, about 5 books right now... I think. (No, not an exaggeration. I have a short attention span and a very curious mind.)
Anyhow, two of them are physically focused. One is a book called "Goddess To The Core" by Sierra Bender and the other is "Get Selected For Special Forces" By MAJ Joe Martin.
Here I am, trying to focus on me, going through this whole weird quarter-life-crisis BS, catching dirty glances from guys in my office who think that I should be handing them this book (the SF one) because, well, I'm a girl and can't even go to selection so none of this could possibly be of any interest to me and then WHAM! It hit me like a brick of C4.
Why can't women do this?
No, no, no. I'm not going all G.I. Jane. Hell, she was a Navy Seal, get your branches straight, people!
Civilians! Ugh!
Hehe. Anyway, what I'm thinking is, well, a book.
Dammit, the Goddess of War in Greek Mythology was a woman. That's not a coincidence. I mean, seriously, get into a true battle with a woman. It doesn't matter what you do, we're not ever going to be wrong, and if we are, YOU will certainly be the LAST to know. We will- and do- go to extraordinary lengths to come out on top. Ask some of these SF guys how often they win a battle with their wives- I bet they're man enough to tell you they don't.
I don't need to be SF to prove myself. I don't need to put my body through hell and be the first woman to do this, that and the other. I have an ego already, I don't need the tab to give me one. I've been through plenty, I don't owe anyone justifications or proof.
I just can't stand the ignorance that surrounds women in the military.
I'm not a slut. I'm not lazy. I'm not sleeping my way to the top. I'm not any less willing to push myself than my male counterpart. I don't hate going to the field. I can survive without a manicure/pedicure/etc. I mean, all the stupid crap that goes into being a female in the military is ridiculous. I'm kinda unsure of even writing a book solely directed at women because there IS such a stigma surrounding us, but I'm not really sure, yet, how else to pull together everything I want to. It's a work in progress.

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