Now where did I read that...

Thursday, May 27, 2010


It's amazing how popular the 'You got played' opinion is when it comes to Rock Star. Honestly, I no longer care. He decided he didn't want me in his life, so I'm moving the hell on. I'm better than either a) getting played or b) being wrapped up in someone who has no clue what they have. Seeing as I caught him in lies, anyway, I couldn't care less what the truth was or is, as it's pretty obvious he doesn't see anything wrong with the choices he made, anyway.
I would rather someone be a complete a-hole than lie to me, without a fraction of a shadow of a doubt.
I'm on my own. I really don't care any more. I leave in less than 50 days, and I could not care less what kind of path of destruction I leave in my wake when I go. There are VERY few people here who matter at all to me, and, well, the rest of them can eat a dick and die slow.
I'll pray for ya'll, but, honestly, I'm really tired of being on the receiving end of disrespect. I may not be the nicest person, but I'm always honest. You can corner me about how I handled a situation, or why I said what I said, but I'll tell you straight up, yes I requested you not be there because you run off at the mouth and I don't want my business put out on the street. (One example, and yes, used that one today.)
I'm tired of worrying what people think, I'm tired of making my decisions based on their opinions, and I'm tired of hurting because one of many people (mostly guys) decided not to take my feelings into account when they made the choice to play with me.
I do not need you.
I do not want you.
I am, honestly and truly, better off without you.
I save money by not traveling anywhere to see you.
I save heartache by not exposing myself to your retarded, juvenile games.
I save time and energy by taking care of myself instead of trying to spend time with/talking to someone who's just going to take me for all I'm worth the first chance he gets anyway.
This is not just one person. This is a long list of dudes that I trusted, and, no, maybe not all of you are the same, but I'll tell you now, you better police up your buddies, cuz they are doing you dirty by giving the whole species a bad name.
I've lost patience. I'll take what I want and stop worrying about having a man in my life in any way shape or form, besides my Daddy.
You want me? You better prove it.

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