Now where did I read that...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lady Life

I got off of work today, quite proud that I held myself together, and kept my cool 100% about something that normally- at one point, anyhow- would have set me off without a second thought. Quite the accomplishment, for someone as emotional as I am.
I changed clothes quickly, but waited to pull my hair out of the bun- and the braid within the bun- until I got to the salon. I got my hair washed, deep-conditioned and trimmed. It felt great. My loverly friend, Miss Hook, as I will call her, text me asking if I wanted to have dinner. I had plans to talk to Rock Star, but still hadn't eaten dinner. I agreed, and text Rock Star that I was going to grab dinner before I got home.
As it turned out, Miss Hook and I both needed some chick time. I am truly grateful to have someone like her in my life, even as I lie in bed at 15 after midnight knowing I surely would have been in bed hours ago had I not been hanging out with her. I wouldn't have had it any other way. I forgot how great it is to have a woman to turn to about stuff and to bounce things off of. Sometimes she makes me see sides I might have missed otherwise (she calls this 'Big Sisterly Advice) but some of the time she nudges me in the direction I was avoiding going, knowing full well that was the only real choice all along. Usually it is a combination of the two- this is how you get to the point you know you need to be at type stuff.
Regardless, I am beyond thrilled that we got to lean on each other the way we did tonight, we both needed it.
I never did get to talk to Rock Star tonight, though I talked plenty about him... The other interesting thing about tonight is, well, it made me even more grateful for him, too. He's a wonderful man, and a wonderful friend and, well, whether it's easy or not, I really just need to open up my heart and let God take me down this path... It hurts less that way, and this is something I need. Maybe it won't be the outcome I've been hoping for, but maybe it will. Either way, the outcome will be what I need.
Thank you, Miss Hook, for pushing me to see what it would have been easier to dance around.
Thank you, Rock Star, for being patient while I learn the steps to this dance of... well, whatever it's called or not called, it's a dance I want to learn.
Buenos Noches, Mi Familia.

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