Now where did I read that...

Monday, May 31, 2010

When The Sun Shines

Sunday night, I met a guy who I was just completely blown away by and felt instantly connected to, only to have him leave without giving me so much as his first name, nevermind phone number, etc. My ego was, to say the least, bruised.
Last night (Monday night), I got invited to hang out with the same group of guys that I met him through. He came out with us. Slowly but surely, we wound up sitting almost on top of each other we were so close, holding hands and, eventually, he worked up the nerve to kiss me... He paid for everything, opened doors, and, this was new, looked on in amazement as I spoke and proceeded to tell me how smart I was. He's younger than me- a month younger than my sister, in fact. I'm not exactly known for dating younger dudes, but this guy, I don't know. He's Christian, but our beliefs, of course, match up pretty close, so far as they're applicable to day to day life, and it didn't bother him that I wanted to wait til marriage. We came back early- around 130 this morning- and stayed up talking and kissing- not even a hint of anything else- all night. Around 5 this morning, we got up and went for a walk to find breakfast, and, closer to 7, finally fell asleep on my bed, curled up together. I haven't been comfortable with guys in my room lately, nevermind enough to fall asleep with them. I am blown away by how wonderful this all feels. He'll be going on leave shortly to see his sister graduate, but wants to come back a little earlier than he'd planned to spend some time with me. We're together, and it's fast as all hell, but this is incredible. I don't have to hide anything from anyone, I can take pictures of us and not have to worry about where I post them or who sees them, we can hold hands in public, and he treats me like an absolute queen. He keeps saying how lucky he is... He's just such a *good guy*. He's hadd 7 girlfriends in his entire life... How many guys have I called my boyfriend? I couldn't even guess. I've had four serious relationships in my life, but this dude is highly selective, and we've just clicked like it was supposed to happen all along.
It don't get no better.

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