Now where did I read that...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Quarter Life Of A Half-Light

Half Light is a term I've heard used in some Baha'i music, as we refer a lot to the 'Dawnbreaker' or simply 'Dawn' as being a new phase of growth for humanity, and some of us refer to ourselves as Dawnbreakers, Half-Lights, etc.
I will be turning 25 in January, which is enough of a frightening thought that it's hit me before I'm halfway through with my 24th year on this rock.
I noticed, the month after I turned 24, that my metabolism had begun to slow some, and, the month after that, that there were some lines appearing around my eyes. Apparently my body missed the memo that I'm supposed to have at least 3 more years before I start showing these signs of life lived.
Next month I'll have been divorced for three years, and this, too, is an anniversary I'm not particularly excited about stumbling through once again. To realize that, in what was once my ideal life, I'd have had a nine year old daughter, a husband of five years, and, presumably, a lot fewer questions about where I go from here, is, well, a little heavy, particularly in light of my fairly steady single-ness as of late. While I have no doubt that God has a plan, He and I tend to not see eye to eye on things like this. He seems to feel that I need a bit of work before I'm ready for forever. Personally, I say stick me with another imperfect human being, and we'll get the clue together. He's stubborn, though, and, as I pointed out to Rock Star last night, I will go through it whether I go voluntarily or He has to drag me- and He's much stronger than He looks. It's generally slightly less painful if I go willingly. Slightly.
I'm ready to settle down. I'm going to focus on school and faith when I get to Bliss. I want to get my 90 credit hours of civilian education so that I can apply for Green To Gold, as I would like to be sure of my ability to leave the military should the need arise once I have a family. It's not that I don't intend to support my family- it's simply that my family comes first, and a B.S. or better in Nursing would be a hell of a start to support my family. I'm okay with owing the Army a few years of my life to better support my family.
Everything's temporary, and this is such a hard thing to learn.
People, I fear, are more temporary than any other thing in this life.

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