Now where did I read that...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Your Kind Disgusts Me

I ran across this story of a beautiful family with ugly souls. They teach their children racism. They want to deport all non-white folks out of America. I assume they'd send each race back to it's country of origin, but I'm truly curious where they intend to send Native Americans (with whom I'm willing to bet they share some ancestry, sadly enough for the rest of the Nation) as they swear they are a 'non-violent movement'.
To think Soldiers still get irritated by the need for Equal Opportunity training when things like this exist in the world- and our own country- even when we have a mixed-race president.
The Baha'i faith says there are no bad people- only people with the absence of good qualities. It hurts me to realize there are people so devoid of such qualities that they may never be reached.
There are two very positive articles I read today, though. One is the first Arab-American Miss USA has come, and I am proud to see this in this time when 'Arab is the new Black' in terms of racism. The other is a movement called Taqwacore; which is, perhaps, one of the most beautiful and intelligent, or at least forward-thinking, movements I've seen in a while. I was disappointed, to say the least, to see the American flag disrespected, but the rest of the attitudes I see expressed are much of what I believe in- people trying to control faith is ridiculous and counter-productive, and these folks may or may not be going about it the "right way", which is not for me to say, but this seems to be their path to equality, and I praise them for that much, when so many are busy fear-mongering. Maybe this is wrong of me to say, I don't know. The best quote out of this article, to me, is the following: Basim was once asked "how does it feel to be Muslim, knowing there are terroists?" Basim replied to the interviewer "How does it feel to be white and know about the slave trade?" They all laugh.
Then there's this piece about Iroquois women being the 'Proof is in the punch' for the early days of equal rights for women.
I've done a lot of reading today, it seems, and now, at the end of my rather bland day in the office (as indicated by my overload of articles to show) I must do a lot of cleaning here in my room. More soon, undoubtedly, as my brain has been on overdrive today. I suppose that's what a full night of sleep does.

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